set out on a journey that will change your life
The Package - What you get:
-a package of 8 or 10 hours of coaching in person [if you live in or near Pretoria, South Afria] or via the internet, spread over a period of 3 to 6 months.
-Finding out what your Enneagram type is, exploring the relevant aspects of the enneagram and what these mean for you and then applying the enneagram to your journey as part of the coaching engagement.
Coaching entails:
Coaching starts with Goal Evolution. You bring to the first coaching appointment your ‘felt need’ – that which you want to change. We then start digging to find out whether we can more clearly define your need. For example, you may say you want to work on communication, but it might turn out that you do not lack communication skills – rather, you might need to become more assertive in order to communicate what you want to communicate. Your goal might therefore evolve into something quite different.
An important part of coaching is the development of greater self-awareness, and the above process is geared towards that. This happens in a safe environment with confidentiality guaranteed while you start applying some of your insights and we reflect on the effectiveness of these changes.
Once you have started implementing the development plan, we evaluate actions taken and amend the plan where necessary.
Remember that I am only the guide: it is your journey. Coaching is a facilitative process geared to developing and applying your own understanding.

Group coaching
Building better teams
Group coaching is an intervention of as many sessions as may be deemed necessary. It entails working with the enneagram to grow group cohesion and raise performance. We integrate the 9 different perspectives of reality that are represented by the 9 enneagram types, and shape team members' gifts and challenges to build a high-performance team, manage conflict, communicate effectively and promote the best possible company culture for your purposes.